Saturday, December 13, 2008

Christmas Quesionnaire

I received this little questionnaire a few times by e-mail so I thought I would just post it on my blog.

1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? HOT CHOCOLATE
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? WRAP PRESENTS (unless they are too awkwardly shaped)
5. When do you put up your decorations? WEEKEND AFTER THANKSGIVING
8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? I DON'T HONESTLY REMEMBER
10. How do you decorate your Christmas Tree? LIGHTS, STRING OF BEADS, SILVER ORNAMENTS
11. What is your favorite holiday tradition? I GOTTA GO WITH DWEEBIES
12. Can you ice skate? NOT VERY WELL
13. Do you remember your favorite gift? A DOLLHOUSE THAT MY DAD MADE
14. What's the most important thing about the Holidays for you? BEING WITH PEOPLE I LOVE
17. Which do you prefer giving or receiving? GIVING
18. What is your favorite Christmas Song? O HOLY NIGHT and I HEARD THE BELLS ON CHRISTMAS DAY
20. Candy Canes? LOVE THEM
21. Do you feel Christmas is too commercialized? YEAH, BUT IT DOES MAKE IT FUN, ESPECIALLY FOR THE KIDS.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Just a fun post

As loathe as I am to push Jensen Ackles down so I can't see him when I pull up my blog, I thought this was a fun post.

My fabulous sister-in-law had this posted on her blog. If you want to play along, here's how it works. Change the items to bold that you have done in your life.

1. Started your own blog
2. Slept under the stars
3. Played in a band
4. Visited Hawaii
5. Watched a meteor shower
6. Given more than you can afford to charity
7. Been to Disneyland /world
8. Climbed a mountain
9. Held a praying mantis
10. Sang a solo
11. Bungee jumped
12. Visited Paris
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch
15. Adopted a child
16. Had food poisoning
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty
18. Grown your own vegetables (though it was when I was a kid and was forced to)
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France
20. Slept on an overnight train
21. Had a pillow fight
22. Hitch hiked
23. Taken a sick day when you're not ill
24. Built a snow fort
25. Held a lamb
26. Gone skinny dipping
27. Run a Marathon
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice
29. Seen a total eclipse
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset
31. Hit a home run
32. Been on a cruise
33. Seen Niagara Falls in person
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors
35. Seen an Amish community
36. Taught yourself a new language
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
39. Gone rock climbing
40. Seen Michelangelo's David
41. Sung karaoke
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
44. Visited Africa
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight
46. Been transported in an ambulance
47. Had your portrait painted
48. Gone deep sea fishing
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling
52. Kissed in the rain
53. Played in the mud
54. Gone to a drive-in theater
55. Been in a movie
56. Visited the Great Wall of China
57. Started a business
58. Taken a martial arts class
59. Visited Russia
60. Served at a soup kitchen
61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies
62. Gone whale watching
63. Got flowers for no reason
64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma
65. Gone sky diving
66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp
67. Bounced a check
68. Flown in a helicopter
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial
71. Eaten Caviar (not impressed)
72. Pieced a quilt
73. Stood in Times Square
74. Toured the Everglades
75. Been fired from a job (does a "layoff" count?)
76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London
77. Broken a bone
78. Been on a speeding motorcycle
79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person
80. Published a book
81. Visited the Vatican
82. Bought a brand new car
83. Walked in Jerusalem
84. Had your picture in the newspaper
85. Read the entire Bible
86. Visited the White House
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
88. Had chickenpox
89. Saved some one's life (does keeping my child alive every day count?)
90. Sat on a jury
91. Met someone famous
92. Joined a book club
93. Lost a loved one
94. Had a baby
95. Seen the Alamo in person
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake
97. Been involved in a law suit
98. Owned a cell phone
99. Been stung by a bee
100. Read an entire book in one day

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Because if I had it to do over.....

I would marry Jensen Ackles. Sorry Shane.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Well, Jana tagged me. I am supposed to post the fourth photo from the fourth folder in my pictures, so here it is. I can't honestly remember what was happening the day I took this, but I love photos of Drake with his Daddy, so it's all good. Not the best photo, but I like it.
So Peggy, and Fink, let's see what your fourth photo in your fourth folder is.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Over a month ago Drake decided he wanted to be a skeleton for Halloween, so I went looking for a costume and couldn't find one. So I thought I could convince him to be something else. My wonderful neighbor dug through her old halloween costumes and found a really cute Bob the Builder, but when I suggested it to Drake he did not like that idea at all. In fact, anytime anyone asked him what he was going to be he would respond by saying "I'm not gonna be Bob the Builder". So I went to e-bay (which I love) and found a really cute Dash from the Incredibles. I showed it to Drake and he thought that would be ok, so I bought it and we set about convincing him how cool Dash is. I thought he was totally fine with it, until one day about a week ago when we were at WalMart. He saw a skeleton costume and asked if that was his costume. I told him no, that he was going to be Dash. Well, he puckered up and just started crying. And not a bratty, give-me-what-I-want kind of cry. I am talking heart broken sobbing that he did not want to be Dash, he wanted to be a skeleton. "Please, Momma." So, because I am a sucker and he is spoiled, I bought the dang thing. But I must say, he looked so dang cute and was so happy that it was totally worth it.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Carving pumpkins

When I was a girl, one of my favorite things about Halloween was carving the pumpkins. I loved diggin out the "guts" and carving a face to make it a Jack-o-lantern.
Last night Shane, Drake and I carved our pumpkins, and I was forced to wonder why I loved it so much. It's kind of gross, and messy and you can't just make a simple face anymore, you have to get all fancy. I opted for an "easy" ghost pattern, that was not so easy for me. (I guess I am kind of a spaz). Shane went for the Phantom pattern, which turned out pretty cool, though he did break his little carving knife in the process. Drake drew a great little face on his and then I cut it out for him. He seemed to have a fun time so maybe it's just a kid thing.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Happy Birthday to my little dude

I truly cannot believe that Drake is already three. Today is his birthday and we took him to the Discovery Museum at the Gateway and then to Build a Bear. I think he had a good time.

Anyway, since today is his birthday I thought I would share some fun facts and such about him. Some you may know, and some you may not, but sit back and get to know my little three year old.

*He LOVES trains and anything train related. He even gets excited when he sees the TRAX train downtown. Anytime we go to the store we have to go look at the trains and he always begs to have one, though I try not to give in every time.
*He loves to run and hide when daddy gets home. Although he is the worst hider ever. As soon as Daddy says " I wonder where Drake is", he always yells out where he is hiding, so it makes finding him really easy.
*Whenever we are outside he thinks he needs to dig. He has a bucket of 'diggin stuff' that goes out with him and he will spend a good hour just digging in the dirt. We really need to get the poor kid a sandbox.
*He likes to watch cartoons he has never seen before, but he has his favorites that he always requests. Amongst which are Thomas, Spongebob, Curious George, and Total Drama Island (thank you Cartoon Network)
*He always gives me the cutest answers to questions unless I want him to repeat it for someone else. He truly says the funniest things and keeps me laughing all the time.
*He loves books and has since he was very little. From the time he could get around on his own I would find him in his room looking at books. I am still amazed at how well he will just sit and listen to a story, even a long one.
*He is an ice cream freak and would eat it for every meal if I would let him.
*He does not like juice, and would prefer milk or water.
*He constantly amazes people with how well he talks. In fact, that is the thing they most comment on (well, other than his immense energy level). I don't remember him saying many individual words, he pretty much just went straight to sentences.
*And speaking of which, one of his first sentences was "I push buttons". He loves buttons and loves to try to figure out how things work. I just know he will take apart more than one appliance for us later in life and probably not be able to get it back together.
*He has a great memory for songs and can usually pick up the words after hearing a song only a few times.
*He loves to "help" and is especially fond of sorting laundry.
*He loves to play rough, but has such a soft heart. He feels really bad if he thinks he has hurt you or hurt your feelings.

I am so happy to have him and love being his mom. Happy Birthday Drake.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

No wonder I relate

I'm a Bella! I found out through Which Twilight Female Are You? Take the quiz and find out!
Take the Quiz and Share Your Results!

You are observant, diplomatic and often aim to please. You are unaware of your
attractiveness and despite being uncomfortable with any form of attention, people enjoy your company. You can be impatient, stubborn and headstrong, but you are true to your word and mature for your age, often taking care of your family and enjoying a good book over chatting with girlfriends on the phone.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Gotta love hairless

A couple of weeks ago, I was informed that I won a $300 gift certificate for laser hair removal. Woohoo!! I have wanted to do this forever, but it is so expensive. Well I went for my consultation tonight and although I really wanted the trifecta (underarms, bikini line and legs) I don't want to have to take out a second mortgage, so I just started with the under arms. And much to my surprise, they were able to do my first treatment right then. I was a bit nervous because I really don't like pain of any kind, but it was lovely. It was far less painful and involved than I imagined and the two year guarantee is a very nice plus. I have 5 more treatments and then I won't have to shave my pits for a good long time. What a fabulous thought.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Got some time to kill?

Or even if you don't, here is a fun time waster for you. And a really fun thing is to play on easy level and see how high of a score you can get. I am the current champion in our house with a score of 3829. But I am sure Shane will devote as much time as possible just trying to beat me. Why can't you just let me win something? GOSH!!!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

"When you're curious, like Curious George"

One of the very first shows Drake ever requested on a regular basis was Curious George. We had to record them so he could watch any time he wanted. And I dare say I have seen every episode at least twice, though some I have seen 10 or more times. Anyway, he was watching the other day and suddenly it hit me; what does The Man in the Yellow Hat do? I mean, does he have an actually job? I remember one episode where he mentioned to George that he had to go to work, but I have never seen him at work. And he can just take off for a week or so to his country house, so if he does have a job he must be the boss since he has so much vacation time.

But I guess the bigger question is, if he doesn't have a job, where does he get all his money? He is obviously not poor as he lives in the city in a building with a door man. And it is obviously not inner-city because you never see drive-bys or scantily dressed young ladies hanging out on the corner. But seriously, he must have an endless supply of money because all trouble George gets into must cost a fortune to fix. Although nobody ever seems to be really mad about the trouble. "Oh, it's just George, no big deal."

And I also wonder, who let him bring George home from Africa in the first place and what kind of nut hole home owners association (you know that building has one) allows a man to have a pet monkey? Maybe The Man with the Yellow Hat is some super rich, super powerful overlord. That is the only explanation as to why he (and George) seem to be allowed to do anything they want (remember the episode where they went into space, and the one where they went diving for a satellite in the ocean and the list goes on and on) and the only reason why he is permitted to where that stupid yellow hat, not to mention the suit, and not get the snot beat out of him everywhere he goes. Of course, if anyone tried that, he could just sic George on them.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My confession

Jana posted on her blog that she admits to liking Spongebob, and tagged me to confess something kind of embarrassing that I like. So here it goes. I like show tunes. Well, I guess it's more of a shoundtrack obsession. Whenever I am in my car alone, I almost always have some sort of soundtrack playing, but lots of times it is a musical of some kind. I try not to impose it upon my passengers, but sometimes they have to suffer.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

By way of public service

I am so excited for the new fall TV season to start. I feel like it has been forever since I have seen new episodes of my favorite TV shows. So not sure when your favorite show's new season starts? Check out my list. Now this is by no means a comprehensive list of all shows, just the ones I give a dang about. Please check local listings for times and channels. I just don't have the energy to provide that kind of information.
Smallville: September 18th (yes, that is tonight, woohoo. Last season's finale was just so sad. Can't wait to see what happens.)
Supernatural: September 18th (mmm, Jensen Ackles, need I say more?)
Heroes: Monday, September 22 (only 5 more days)
The Office: Thursday, September 25 (just thinking about it makes me giggle.)
My Name is Earl: Thursday, September 25 (how much more karma can he take?)
Pushing Daisies: Wednesday, October 1 (seriously, if you haven't watched this show you should check it out. It is just quirky fun.)
CSI: Thursday, October 9 (though I admit I watched most the previous seasons in re-runs, this season premier looks really good.)

As you can tell, I have some major scheduling conflicts on Thursdays. Not even my DVR can take care of this problem. I may have to camp out at mom's once a week to watch The Office and beg them to record Earl too. Why, oh why can't they move something to Tues, it's wide open.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I've been tagged

So Kristy tagged me like a week ago and I have just been to lazy to do this. I figured I might as well, since I need to blog this week anyway. This is going to be hard since I am not really a quirky kinda girl, so here goes.

I'm supposed to list 6 quirky things about myself.
Link back to the person who tagged me.
List the rules on my blog.
Tag 6 "unsuspecting" bloggers to complete.

#1 - I have to have a blanket on when I sleep. Even in the heat of summer. It freaks me out to not have something on me.
#2 - I have a bottle of lotion in every room of my house. I hate my hands to feel dry and I don't want to go searching for lotion.
#3 - I tend to be a little obsessive about organizing. All my music is in alphabetical order by genre; my books are by author and in order according to date published; my clothes are all organized by color, etc, etc.
#4 - I always do laundry in the same order: whites, then light colors, then dark colors, then towels, and lastly, sheets.
#5 - I have to know what time it is. If I can't see a clock or a watch I get a little stressed. I would be a perfect candidate for time deprevation studies.
#6 - Socks freak me out. Not plain, clean socks, but put them on someone's feet and that's it for me. I hate to be touched by sock covered feet (though bare feet do not bother me at all). I think it is the "wetness potential" that freaks me out.

Now, I tag Jana, Mom, Buz, Sheri, Peggy, and Melanie

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I have to confess

I took Shane to the airport this morning and on the way home Drake started saying he felt sick. Well, I figure, once we were out of the car he would be ok (I think he has hit the point where he is getting car sick), so I decide I am safe to stop by the store for a few things. We are in the store and he keeps saying he is sick, so I go grab a little bag of fishy crackers and open them so he can get something in his tummy. (yes, I planned to pay for them). He eats two or three of them and then gets this horrible look on his face and throws up everywhere. Right in the middle of WalMart. "CLEAN UP ON AISLE 6!" How embarrassing (not to mention sad for him). Now he is sobbing and I just want to get out of there. So I put the open bag of crackers on a shelf and left. I know technically it is stealing, but at the same time, he did barf them back up, so we really didn't take anything from the store. UGH!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Not a fan

I have to confess, I like ABBA. I bought ABBA Gold off of e-bay (can't beat it for only $4) and was so excited when it arrived yesterday. So Drake and I are running errands this morning and I pop the CD in and I'm singing along, quite happy. I look in the rear view mirror and Drake has this look on his face that says "what fresh hell is this?" So the song ends and I say, "do you like it" to which he replies as quietly as possible "no". I laugh and say, "but Drake, it's ABBA, how can you not like ABBA?" And he says "Mom, ABBA is not so good." So needless to say he is not a fan, I will just have to work on him.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

My new favorite blog

If you haven't had the chance to link to this blog, you have to do it. It is a blog dedicated to professional cakes gone horribly wrong. I spent an hour there the other night just laughing my head off. (Thanks to Kristy for hooking me up with that, even if it was in a round about way.)

Here are a few of my favs just to give you a sneak peek.

This one is actually my favorite. I don't know why, but I giggle every time I look at it.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

I'm the worst mommy ever

We all have those moments when we feel like the worst parent in the world. Now I'm not talking about the times that your teenager says they hate you or when your toddler calls you "meanie". I am talking about those times when your kid gets really hurt and it is your fault.

Last night I was out mowing the lawn and Drake was just playing, digging in the dirt, etc. Well, I mow past our plum tree and notice that all the plums are starting to fall off. So I shut off the mower and say to Drake "I gotta go tell Daddy something". Then I pop my head inside just long enough (literally) to say to Shane "hey, if you want to salvage any of these plums you better come pick them". I turn around and see Drake bent down by the mower examining it (as three year olds do) then he lets out this horrible screech. I run over pick him up and carry him inside while he is crying all the way. At first I wasn't sure if he had cut himself, or just got pinched or what. Turns out he had a nasty burn on his little hand. Poor little dude. He spent the next hour with his hand in bucket of ice water. He burned the tips of his first two fingers and the pad of his thumb, plus the space between his thumb and finger.

It blistered pretty good. He seems ok today, but cried like crazy when one of the blisters popped. I just feel bad cause I feel like it was my fault. I mean seriously, who leaves their kid outside with a hot lawnmower.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

You mean, he's

You all know the "free credit" commercials, right? Well, I hate to be the barer of bad news, but appaerntly the guy that sings in those commercials is not real. Well, he is real, but the situations he is singing about, are not his real life situations. That's right, it's all fake. I know, I am as shocked as you are. According to this article, people aren't overly upset by the website itself, which promises a free credit report, but makes you enroll in the $14.95 monthly crediting program (which the commercials do mention and I quote "free credit report applies with enrollment in triple advantage"), but people are "freaking out" when they learn that the guy in those commercials isn't actually The Guy and even worse, that isn't his band. That's right, he doesn't really work in a fish restaraunt and he isn't in a marriage doomed by his lying dream girl (though I do get that little ditty in my head and yes, I do know all the words). Though he does play the guitar in real life.

So the question here is, where are these people that actually think this guy on a COMMERCIAL is real? Are they the same people who don't understand that TV shows are filmed on a sound stage using actors? That's right, someone does not really get killed on CSI every night. And even "reality shows" are somewhat scripted (wow, I will cause a serious outrage there. Go ahead, send me your hate mail.) Are they the same people that think all movie are documentaries and the events happen in real time?

Seriously people, it's not a scandal or a hoax. It's just a commercial. They are ALL ACTORS. It's ok, that's how it's done. So, I will continue to giggle and sing along with the little jingles. "So I married my dream girl, I married my dream girl, but she didn't tell me her credit was bad...................."

Friday, August 15, 2008

I am gifted

I've been trying to tell you all for years that I am brilliant. Turns out, I am only "gifted" (with an IQ of 140) and not the genius I always believed myself to be. Take this test and find out your IQ. And hey, post it here for the world to see.

Monday, August 11, 2008

I can do this

As some of you know, I am planning to run a 5k in Oct. I started "training" about 6 weeks ago. (Yes, it is taking me three months to get ready for this because I have not run in over 20 years.) This morning I was supposed to run 2.5 miles without stopping and I thought, there is no way. Well, I was about a mile and a half into it, feeling pretty good and thinking, I can so do this, when I tripped. I was not really hurt, but so mad that I fell and had to "walk it off". So I walked for about 2 minutes and then ran the rest. I must say I feel pretty proud of myself that I ran most of it. It's no half marathon like Tracey and Kristy did, but it's good for me.

Friday, July 25, 2008

And I thought he didn't listen

So Drake is a total spaz about noises he cannot identify. Especially if he hears a weird noise when he is in bed. Some time ago (after going into his room three times in one night to identify strange noises), I told him that it's just noise and he didn't need to be afraid. And all he needed to do was say a prayer and Heavenly Father would help him not be scared. So tonight I hear him crying a bit so I go in to see what is wrong. It's a noise (the fan blowing some papers) so I tell him it's not something to be afraid of. And he says "I know, I say Heavenly Father, help me not be scared". My heart just melted. How sweet is that?

Monday, July 21, 2008

South Dakota

We just got back from a trip to South Dakota with some of Shane's family and I thought I would share some photos. We left on Wednesday and drove straight through (a twelve hour drive). I was really dreading such a long car trip with Drake, but he did great and only really started complaining about the last 45 minutes and that was because Daddy pointed out "Crazy Horse" and Drake couldn't see it, so it caused stress.

On Thursday we went to the Mammoth dig which was really cool. There were literally thousands of bones in the pit. I was really impressed.
Then we went to Evan's Plunge which is a fun little water park. Shane took Drake on the water slide and he seemed to be ok with it, but I think it scared him a bit. He kind of had a look on his face like he knew he should like it, but he really didn't. Thursday night we went to Mt. Rushmore, and the photos just don't do it justice. It was so cool.
Friday we went to Bear Country and learned that bears can be taught to be pack animals. LOL We first drove through the park and there were so many bears, just wandering through the fields and by the side of the road.
Then we walked through this part where they had baby bears. It was so fun to just sit and watch them play and run around.
In the afternoon we went to Reptile Gardens which was fun. We got to see a little snake show, a bird show and an alligator show. This guy showed us how to "control" an alligator. It made me nervous just to watch him in this enclosure with a couple dozen alligator. But it was really cool.
Friday night we went to a chuck wagon dinner and show, which was this group of fiddle players. It was ok, but not my favorite part of the trip. Drake was really restless so I ended up taking him outside so he could run around. At least the show was loud enough that I could hear it.

Saturday we went on a train ride, which was the highlight of Drake's trip. He was so excited to ride a real train. It was pretty fun.
Then we went to a gold mine and it could have been fun, but our tour guide was a bit weird (ok, a lot weird). But Shane bought me a ring with Black Hill's gold in it, so that made me happy. After that we were "funned out", so we just had dinner and took the kids to the pool.
All in all it was a fun trip and Shane's family is a joy to travel with. Thanks to his sister Melanie for planning such a fun trip.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

He's so logical

Many of you know that I have started training to run a 5k (not a big feat, I know, but when you haven't even jogged for years, it is not easy). I have been going in the mornings before Shane goes to work, but since he was out of town yesterday, I had to take Drake in his stroller. So I start running and the following conversation takes place:

Drake: You running? (with some shock in his voice)
Me: Yup
Drake: Who is trying to get you?
Me: Nobody, I am just running.
Drake: Why?
Me: Cause it is good for me.
Drake: Oh
((Couple of minutes of silence except for my labored breathing.))
Drake: You ok, mommy?
Me: Yeah, it is just hard to run.
Drake: Then stop running.

Such a logical solution, why didn't I think of it?

Sunday, July 13, 2008


It's not that I don't want to blog, I just find my life so incredibly boring that I figure no one really wants to read about it. I am truly going to try to do a weekly update and see if anyone actually reads the darn thing.

So let's see....I just finished my second week of "training" for a 5k I am running with my sisters in the fall. I can't say I am loving it so far, but I do feel better, despite having lost no weight. GRRRR!! And speaking of not losing weight, I just lost my "biggest loser" contest with the hubby. I talked big, but when it came down to it, he more than doubled my weight loss. He is looking pretty good though and has some pretty nice muscles. Mmmmmm!!

Anyway, Drake got his first black eye this past week. He fell off a stool and then the stool fell on him. It was sort of cool to watch the bump and bruise form instantly since I had never seen that happen before, but I feel really bad for the kid. Shane is trying to teach him to say "I disobeyed" when people ask what happened. Bad Daddy!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

It's a small, small world.

(You can hum the song if you want to while you read this.) So I signed up to be a Heritage Makers consultant a couple of weeks ago, though I had never heard of them and have no idea what I am doing. (More on that later). Well, the other day, a guy Shane works with is at our house for lunch and Shane mentioned that I was going to be gone that night. The guy says "so is my wife", to which Shane replies "she isn't by chance going to some 'scrapbook' thing is she". Come to find out this guy's wife also does Heritage Makers. So we met up at the meeting and I have to say, I love her. So now I at least have a buddy in this little business endever.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Time to update

You know, I would be better about updating if you visitors would leave more comments. :) Anyway, Easter was a couple of week and it was a blast. It was the first year that Drake really got into it. He was so excited every time he found and egg and thought he had to open them as soon as he found them, which resulted in a lot of candy on the ground. Oh well. These a my two favorite photos from the weekend. As you can tell, he LOVED his new Thomas movie.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Is it false hope?

For a couple of weeks now Drake has been interested in the "potty". I sort of brushed it off at first, but finally decided that if he wants to potty, I would give it a try. So for the last few days I have been asking him if he needs to go. And other than at night and during naps, he has not gone in his diaper at all. The only problem is that he never really tells me he needs to go unless I ask him. Am I trying to do this too early, or should I stick with it and just be patient. I don't feel frustrated at all, I just don't know if it is really too early to hope for him to be potty trained. He is just under 2 1/2. What do you think?

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Well, Christmas was pretty fun at our house. Shane's favorite new toy was a computer game (of course) and then since it didn't work on his computer he somehow talked me into letting him build a new one. But he is happy so it's all good. I got a new laptop that I totally love! Drake was totally spoiled rotten even though we told ourselves we wouldn't do it. I didn't take too many photos, but here are a couple of my favorites.