Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Drake just makes me laugh

Yesterday Drake and I got out all the Christmas stuff and decorated. The whole time he kept asking "what's this". You know how a two year old can be. He found a plate for "santa's cookies" and wanted to know "what's this?" So I told him what it was for and we went on to other things. Later I came into the room and found this. The cookie was one he hadn't finished at lunch. It just really made me laugh.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

I am thankful for......

  • My family, who give me unwavering love and support
  • My in-laws, who have always treated me as one of their own
  • My friends, in real life and on-line who always seem to know just what to say and are always there when I need a little pick-me-up
  • My country, where I am free to live as I choose
  • My religion, which gives me a steady path to follow, although I may sometimes falter
  • My Savior, who laid down his life for me
  • My Heavenly Father, who is always there when I feel like no one else is
  • My heartaches and trials, for they have made me stronger
  • My dear husband, who is the love of my life and who, I am sure feels very under appreciated at times. (I love you!!)
  • My tiny boy, who shows me every day in so many ways how beautiful life is

Thursday, October 25, 2007

What's with the name?

So, a couple of people have asked me what is with the name of my blog. Here's the boring background. A few years back there was a website (kind of like this one) that was really popular. It had all kinds of personality tests on it. Well, one of the test was "what is your theme song". Turns out, my theme song was "Walking on Sunshine" by Katrina and the Waves. Who knew? Just in case you never experienced this fabulous 80's tune, here are the lyrics:

I used to think maybe you loved me
now baby I'm sure
And I just cant wait till the day
when you knock on my door

Now everytime I go for the mailbox ,
gotta hold myself down
Cos I just wait till you write me
your coming around

I'm walking on sunshine,
wooahI'm walking on sunshine,
woooahI'm walking on sunshine,
woooahand don't it feel good!!
Hey , alright nowand dont it feel good!! hey yeh

I used to think maybe you loved me,
now I know that its true
and I don't want to spend all my life ,
just in waiting for you
now I don't want u back for the weekend
not back for a day,
no no no I said baby
I just want you back
and I want you to stay

woah yeh!I'm walking on sunshine ,
wooahI'm walking on sunshine,
woooahI'm walking on sunshine,
woooahand don't it feel good!!
Hey , alright nowand don't it feel good!!hey yeh ,
oh yeh and don't it feel good!!
walking on sunshine walking on sunshine
I feel the love, I feel the love, I feel the love that's really real
I feel the love, I feel the love, I feel the love that's really real
I'm on sunshine baby oh I'm on sunshine baby
oh I'm walking on sunshine wooah
I'm walking on sunshine wooah
I'm walking on sunshine wooah and don't it feel good!!
I'll say it again nowand don't it feel good!!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

New blog

Hi all! I finally got around to building a new blog! When we moved I had to change my e-mail address and then they couldn't verify that I was really me, so they wouldn't give me access to my old blog, so I suppose it is now defunct. So this is my new home. Hope you like it.