It's not that I don't want to blog, I just find my life so incredibly boring that I figure no one really wants to read about it. I am truly going to try to do a weekly update and see if anyone actually reads the darn thing.
So let's see....I just finished my second week of "training" for a 5k I am running with my sisters in the fall. I can't say I am loving it so far, but I do feel better, despite having lost no weight. GRRRR!! And speaking of not losing weight, I just lost my "biggest loser" contest with the hubby. I talked big, but when it came down to it, he more than doubled my weight loss. He is looking pretty good though and has some pretty nice muscles. Mmmmmm!!
Anyway, Drake got his first black eye this past week. He fell off a stool and then the stool fell on him. It was sort of cool to watch the bump and bruise form instantly since I had never seen that happen before, but I feel really bad for the kid. Shane is trying to teach him to say "I disobeyed" when people ask what happened. Bad Daddy!

Oh that eye looks so painful! I just stumbled upon your blog today for the first time. Great blog. But I know what you mean about getting "blogged out." I just returned from a 45 day break myself.
It is funny, and you know it.
Must agree with Shane, that is funny.
I think it's kinda funny too, after all he did! Poor kid. Thanks for updating. I'm a bit blog obsessed right now.
Poor dude. Aaron is looking like he could be a twin right now, but only because of mosquito bites around his eye. Can't hardly even open it....the poor dude!
Glad to see you've updated!
Wahoo on training for the 5k!! I just did my first one in FOREVER last month, and it felt great to finish...the weight loss comes slow, but remember, you are building those leg muscles...they weigh more than fat!
Poor Drake and that eye, ouch!
Poor Drake! Just think of the LO that could come from that, though!
I know Sheryl. I am so bad. As soon as I figured out it didn't hit him directly in the eye and he was ok, I grabbed my camera. Sick, I know.
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