Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My confession

Jana posted on her blog that she admits to liking Spongebob, and tagged me to confess something kind of embarrassing that I like. So here it goes. I like show tunes. Well, I guess it's more of a shoundtrack obsession. Whenever I am in my car alone, I almost always have some sort of soundtrack playing, but lots of times it is a musical of some kind. I try not to impose it upon my passengers, but sometimes they have to suffer.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

By way of public service

I am so excited for the new fall TV season to start. I feel like it has been forever since I have seen new episodes of my favorite TV shows. So not sure when your favorite show's new season starts? Check out my list. Now this is by no means a comprehensive list of all shows, just the ones I give a dang about. Please check local listings for times and channels. I just don't have the energy to provide that kind of information.
Smallville: September 18th (yes, that is tonight, woohoo. Last season's finale was just so sad. Can't wait to see what happens.)
Supernatural: September 18th (mmm, Jensen Ackles, need I say more?)
Heroes: Monday, September 22 (only 5 more days)
The Office: Thursday, September 25 (just thinking about it makes me giggle.)
My Name is Earl: Thursday, September 25 (how much more karma can he take?)
Pushing Daisies: Wednesday, October 1 (seriously, if you haven't watched this show you should check it out. It is just quirky fun.)
CSI: Thursday, October 9 (though I admit I watched most the previous seasons in re-runs, this season premier looks really good.)

As you can tell, I have some major scheduling conflicts on Thursdays. Not even my DVR can take care of this problem. I may have to camp out at mom's once a week to watch The Office and beg them to record Earl too. Why, oh why can't they move something to Tues, it's wide open.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I've been tagged

So Kristy tagged me like a week ago and I have just been to lazy to do this. I figured I might as well, since I need to blog this week anyway. This is going to be hard since I am not really a quirky kinda girl, so here goes.

I'm supposed to list 6 quirky things about myself.
Link back to the person who tagged me.
List the rules on my blog.
Tag 6 "unsuspecting" bloggers to complete.

#1 - I have to have a blanket on when I sleep. Even in the heat of summer. It freaks me out to not have something on me.
#2 - I have a bottle of lotion in every room of my house. I hate my hands to feel dry and I don't want to go searching for lotion.
#3 - I tend to be a little obsessive about organizing. All my music is in alphabetical order by genre; my books are by author and in order according to date published; my clothes are all organized by color, etc, etc.
#4 - I always do laundry in the same order: whites, then light colors, then dark colors, then towels, and lastly, sheets.
#5 - I have to know what time it is. If I can't see a clock or a watch I get a little stressed. I would be a perfect candidate for time deprevation studies.
#6 - Socks freak me out. Not plain, clean socks, but put them on someone's feet and that's it for me. I hate to be touched by sock covered feet (though bare feet do not bother me at all). I think it is the "wetness potential" that freaks me out.

Now, I tag Jana, Mom, Buz, Sheri, Peggy, and Melanie

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I have to confess

I took Shane to the airport this morning and on the way home Drake started saying he felt sick. Well, I figure, once we were out of the car he would be ok (I think he has hit the point where he is getting car sick), so I decide I am safe to stop by the store for a few things. We are in the store and he keeps saying he is sick, so I go grab a little bag of fishy crackers and open them so he can get something in his tummy. (yes, I planned to pay for them). He eats two or three of them and then gets this horrible look on his face and throws up everywhere. Right in the middle of WalMart. "CLEAN UP ON AISLE 6!" How embarrassing (not to mention sad for him). Now he is sobbing and I just want to get out of there. So I put the open bag of crackers on a shelf and left. I know technically it is stealing, but at the same time, he did barf them back up, so we really didn't take anything from the store. UGH!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Not a fan

I have to confess, I like ABBA. I bought ABBA Gold off of e-bay (can't beat it for only $4) and was so excited when it arrived yesterday. So Drake and I are running errands this morning and I pop the CD in and I'm singing along, quite happy. I look in the rear view mirror and Drake has this look on his face that says "what fresh hell is this?" So the song ends and I say, "do you like it" to which he replies as quietly as possible "no". I laugh and say, "but Drake, it's ABBA, how can you not like ABBA?" And he says "Mom, ABBA is not so good." So needless to say he is not a fan, I will just have to work on him.