Sunday, April 27, 2008

It's a small, small world.

(You can hum the song if you want to while you read this.) So I signed up to be a Heritage Makers consultant a couple of weeks ago, though I had never heard of them and have no idea what I am doing. (More on that later). Well, the other day, a guy Shane works with is at our house for lunch and Shane mentioned that I was going to be gone that night. The guy says "so is my wife", to which Shane replies "she isn't by chance going to some 'scrapbook' thing is she". Come to find out this guy's wife also does Heritage Makers. So we met up at the meeting and I have to say, I love her. So now I at least have a buddy in this little business endever.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Time to update

You know, I would be better about updating if you visitors would leave more comments. :) Anyway, Easter was a couple of week and it was a blast. It was the first year that Drake really got into it. He was so excited every time he found and egg and thought he had to open them as soon as he found them, which resulted in a lot of candy on the ground. Oh well. These a my two favorite photos from the weekend. As you can tell, he LOVED his new Thomas movie.