Monday, September 21, 2009

It's the simple things

Drake loves to draw pictures with chalk and really enjoys when someone will draw with him. This day he sat and waited an hour while I mowed the lawn, just so I would draw with him. He was so happy when I was finally done. Sometimes I wish I could be as happy about anything as he is about the simple things.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

So it's been awhile....

I would really like to apologize to all my stalkers out there for not updating for so long. I know it makes it much harder to stalk me when I don't make myself readily accessible. I will try to be better for you.

As many of you know (well, most of you know) my life is a complete mess right now. I am doing my best to "hang in there", "find the silver lining", "look for the good in it", and all that. But sometimes it is really hard. I am so thankful for my family and my friends, both old and new that are going above and beyond to help me and show their love for me. Things are tough, but I know I will be alright.